Welcome to our site.  Focus International Minstries began in 2014 when God told me that I had wandered and been trained for many years, and now it was time to use these things.  He gave me the word focus, told me the meaning, and said it would be part of my ministry name. We started out as Focus2819 Ministries.  The name was later changed to Focus International Ministries (FIM), as it was easier for people to remember & abbreviate.  It also better aligned with my calling to reach the poor and unreached areas of the world. Our first crusade was held in December 2015 in Kenya. Since it's beginning Focus International Ministries has lead over 21,825 to accepting Jesus Christ in Kenya, Uganda, and around the world, through crusades and outreach programs.  In 2020 we launched our new Christian discipleship training program, using various internet technology reseources.  Through the training sessions we have conducted so far with pastors and leaders, their taking the information learned back to their areas have lead to over 5000 new disciples, along with more than 85 that have been called to the ministry in India, Pakistan, Liberia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and other countries around the world.  We now do indoor crusades through live stream and other resources.  We are able to get 100% contact information from crusade attendees, be able to connect them with a local pastor, and provide them with multi week Christian discipleship training classes.  We are able to take churches of 30-50 to several hundred, that are living for God, in a few short weeks.  They are the ones that, in part, help build their church, both in number and physical building size, as well as also go to unreached areas.  The harvest is ready, but we need your support to continue to reach even more this year and the years ahead.  You can help reach the lost and add to Heavens rolls by clicking the donate button at the top of any page of our web site.  We would also love to have you as part of our next crusade team.  See more information in the Crusade Trips section of our web site.  I encourage you to look through the pages of our site, see how these children and adults live, and the great need that lies ahead in reaching the many unsaved. Not everyone is called to go or will have the ability to go, but you can help those of us who do, and the work of our ministry, through your financial support and prayers, as the Lord lays on your heart to do.  Working together we can win more souls to the Kingdom of God. Thanks to all for your help, support & prayers. Make sure to also see updates and pictures on our Facebook page. God Bless! 
NEW FOR 2023:  My new book, Redneck Faith and Funnies, was published in 2022.  It is available through Amazon or by contacting us (preferred).  I have now added a comedy night event, available to clubs and organizations, and a comedy and preaching event for churches and Christian related organizations.  All donations from these events help support ministry travel and program expenses.  Get in contact with us to book an event for your location.   

Jeff Diebold, Founder
Focus International Ministries
Go And Make Disciples
Of All Nations...
                         Matt 28:19
Focus International  Ministries
Evangelism &