Pastors & Discipleship Training Ministry

As you go, Make Disciples of all Nations, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages.
Matt 28:19-20



     There is a difference between evangelism and discipleship ministries. The world has come through an age of large evangelist crusades throughout the twentieth and the first part of the twenty-first centuries. We sent missionaries and crusade evangelists to win the lost and establish churches. The crusade evangelist would hold evangelistic meeting in a particular area sometimes with an established churches and others with no established churches. Those areas of the world without established churches, the new believers may have been baptized but not discipled how to live the Christian life. Sometimes even when there are established churches, they don’t disciple their new believers how to live the Christian life. Therefore, after a short time these new believers could go back to their old life of sin.

    Jesus gave us the Great Commission as a command to MAKE DISCIPLES and not converts or church members. Disciples are students of the Bible on how to live their new life in Christ Jesus. Jesus intensely trained His disciples as they traveled together for 3 years. We need to make disciples so that they can go disciple other people. This disciple making or discipleship is also not only for professionally trained clergy but for lay people to disciple other new believers. The first disciples were men and later women who only shared with others what Jesus had done for them and invited them to come see what He could do for them. Every new believer should be discipled in some of the basic doctrines, how to study the Bible for themselves, how to pray, how to witness and about good stewardship.

     This is what true personal evangelism is all about. What I heard years ago; “Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread” which in this case the Bread of Life in the Lord Jesus. Well Discipleship is what I also heard, “Feed a man a fish and feed him for a day; but teach him how to fish, feed him for a life time.” The difference between Peter’s two messages to the multitude of 5000 and 3000 men and women which totaled 8000 and the 5000 and 4000 men which totaled 9000 that Jesus fed and preached to was: first, during Jesus’ ministry only certain individuals were filled with the Holy Spirit but during Peter’s ministry the Holy Spirit was poured out on all people and second, Jesus feed the multitudes in a meal only once but the disciples taught their multitude how to feed themselves for the rest of their lives as we are told in Acts 2:42 – 47. We need to return to a discipleship ministry where we take new believers through a set course of what they need to feed themselves everything to live the Christian life personally and how they can pass it on to others. This is the mission of Christian Discipleship Ministry.
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