Due to IRS regulations, Focus International Ministries follows a stringent “no refund” policy for all donations received. Focus International Ministries policy states in the event a team member has met the fundraising requirements and then either receives donations in excess of the scheduled price of the trip, or withdraws from the program, his/her crusade account balance will be held over for one trip year or another may be applied toward another team member's account

A non-refundable Deposit of $300 reserves your spot on a trip.
Joining a trip after International Tickets have been purchased will result in a $100 fee.
Changes made after purchasing tickets will result in a $100 fee (in addition to airline change fee).
Team Member Required Documents (Passport Picture Page Copy, Copy of Immunizations Card, Copy of Visa approval - where applicable) must be submitted no later than the final payment deadline. If a team member is unable to do so, this will result in a $100 late fee.
All returned checks will result in a $25 fee. 

Focus International Ministries is a non profit organization, having been registered and recognized with the Kansas Secretary of State Office. . All donations toward team member's accounts should include team member's name and trip attending. All checks must have current date (not postdated) and are to be made payable to Focus International Ministries.

All donations and payments made through our web site donation link should include the team member's name and trip in the comment box. It is also advised to send us a message that donation/payment has been made with team member's name and trip.

Contributions are NOT refundable. All funds donated by sponsors become the permanent and exclusive property of Focus International Ministries when received and are at all times under the complete discretion and control of Focus International Ministries. Donated funds will be used in furtherance of Focus International Ministries purposes for crusade work and ministry expenses.

If the team member cancels his or her plans to go on a mission trip after the International Ticketing Deadline, all costs related to the ticket must be paid in full, along with an additional $200.00 cancellation fee. If a team member cancels before the International Ticketing Deadline, no charges will be made. Any remaining funds less the $300 non-refundable deposit will be held over for one trip year to send that same team member or another team member at Focus International Ministries' discretion. 

Focus International Ministries team members will not be permitted to use alcohol, tobacco products or drugs. If any team member uses or has any of these items in their possession, they will be sent home immediately at their own expense and without a refund. (This does not include prescription medicines). 

Focus International Ministries covers each individual traveling on Focus International Ministries crusade trips with basic insurance. 
Crusade Trips Policies & Procedures
Focus International  Ministries
Evangelism &