Discipleship Training Reports

Kenya - My ministry has funded a laptop, 55" TV and generator for the pastor we are working with. I have also provided funding for the resources to renovate a building for a bigger church (concrete for flooring, bricks, wiring for lights, internet access, etc.) He will begin teaching our training materials to current members and leaders upon completion of the building. He will then conduct an indoor crusade, followed by these same training sessions for new believers. I look forward to reports of many salvations. I am also working with another Kenya pastor who has gone to the Masaii land of southern Kenya. These people are very unlearned. Training has increased the the church membership as well as giving when people not only begin to put their faith in God to meet ALL of their needs but also begin to put action to their faith.

Ghana - The pastor I am working with has used our training materials at a men's conference, women's conference, and youth conference. Plans are in the works for an indoor crusade, followed by training sessions for new believers. I look forward to many more good reports.

Tanzania - I have held several training sessions with a pastor in Tanzania. The challenge is that internet connections in their area are very poor. So I have sent training materials to the pastor to continue with training. I am hearing great reports that have come forth from these teachings.

Uganda - I am working with several pastors there who I have connected with from a trip to the southern part of the country. I look forward to spreading training to this area.

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